How the Characters I Read about Shaped My Response to Sexual Harrasment

Tech and Couture
3 min readJul 4, 2024
Photo by Lenin Estrada on Unsplash

Reading is my best friend. The characters I’ve met on those pages have taken me places I could have never dreamed of going.

But not just in the physical sense.

I’ve been to places and peered into the minds of sociopaths, psychopaths, abusers and adulterers.

Psychopathy is one of my favorite things to read and study. People who are Psychopaths are in themselves incurables.

Abusers are those who seem to thrive on the pain they place upon individuals they deem less than themselves or are even threatened by.

During the boom of the psychological thriller genre (around 2017) we saw characters that were unmatched.

A. J. Finn’s teenage sociopath.

Dennis Creed from Robert Gailbraith’s Troubled Blood.

Jackson Parrish from the Last Mrs. Parrish.

Now Jackson, he is the truest form of a psychopath and a great example for this story.

My own.

He scores high on the dark triad, displaying overt acts of pure evil towards his family.

When I faced my own Mr. Parrish I was actually surprised.



Tech and Couture

Welcome to my little corner of the internet. Inside you can find a range of topics from Psychology to Skincare. Writing for the love of writing.